Phonak C & C Dry Cap (6 Pieces)


3 packs of 2 capsules each that can be used in a drying kit.

This item includes: 6 capsules, instructions


  • APPLICATION: Remove moisture and protect your hearing aids, improve the sound quality and life span. It fit for Phonak charger, fit in the lid of Starkey charger case, and fit for any hearing aid by using with drying jar.
  • LIFE : Depends on your lifestyle and activities. Usually a drying capsule could use a month in summer, and 2 months in winter. This drying capsules has a shelf life of 2 year (Date of production: on the seal).
  • NOTE: Once you open the sealed packaging of drying capsule, it is activated. It can be reused until the golden-yellow indicator has changed to a white colour.
  • SIZE: 30mm(diameter), 10mm(height), 3g(weight).
  • PACKAGE INCLUDE: Drying capsules Pack of 6 pieces