Melbourne Audiologist

At Harmony Hearing, we offer remote audiology and hearing services to residents of Melbourne.

Whether you’re in Melbourne’s CBD, or in the Dandenong Ranges, our telehealth audiology services empower connected hearing services to more Melbourne-locals than ever before. From hearing tests, tinnitus testing and management to remote hearing aid fittings.


For eligible individuals, we will configure, program  and ship the right hearing aids right to your front door. And because we stock leading models from a range of different manufacturers, you’ll receive unbiased and health-focused advice.


Audiology & Hearing Services Melbourne

Remote Hearing Tests

Whether as part of your hearing aid device procurement or a routine checkup for your ears, our remote hearing test services can provide you with an accurate diagnosis of your hearing ability and ear health. 

Harmony Hearing offers two types of remote hearing test — one where we send a Remote hearing test kit to your home in Melbourne and schedule a time with our Audiologist to guide you through the remote hearing test. 

Or one with our audiologists for an in-situ sensogram that requires you to have an existing set of  compatible bluetooth hearing aids.

Tinnitus Testing & Management

Tinnitus is a condition that’s marked by a constant ringing or buzzing sound in the ear regardless of presence of external sounds. At Harmony Hearing, we can conduct online tests to help diagnose if you have tinnitus, as well as offer targeted treatment to mitigate its impact on your quality of life.

Hearing Aid Fitting

Your hearing aid devices must be set up with the help of an audiologist in Melbourne. But depending on where you live, hearing clinics may not be as accessible. 

Harmony Hearing’s team of audiologists are available via remote sessions to help you find the right fit and sound settings for your new hearing aid devices. We can teach you how to wear them correctly and provide expert tips on how to get the best quality sound and how to take care of your hearing aid device.

Hearing Aid Sales & Accessories

At Harmony Hearing, we stock globally recognised hearing aid brands without being affiliated with any one brand. This allows us to give our customers unbiased personalised advice in the type of hearing aid devices and accessories they need to hear better. 

All our hearing aid products are available to be purchased online and delivered to your door in Melbourne. Our audiologists are also available via remote consultation to help you find the best hearing aid solution from our selection of products.

Our Story

Harmony Hearing first started as a small hearing centre in Western Australia in 2011 and has since grown to an array of clinic locations. With over 12 years of experience in offering quality hearing care and hearing aid products, our mission of helping people hear better still remains the same as we expand our services with remote hearing care to cities across Australia, such as Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Sydney. 


Our audiology services in Melbourne are helmed by our in-house hearing specialists who will work closely with you online, whether it’s for diagnosis, hearing aid adjustment, or remote hearing tests. 

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How long is an initial hearing consultation?

Our Audiologists provide a free 15- 30 minute hearing aid discussion. If a full hearing assessment is required then we schedule a 90 minute appointment.

Are there any Rebates for Remote Hearing Tests?

You can check with your private health fund, however remote hearing tests are a new innovative service not typically covered by most private health funds.

Are there rebates for hearing aids

Yes, Harmony Hearing is affiliated with most private health funds and we will provide the necessary documentation to see that you attain your private health fund refund. Most people are eligible for between $800 to $1500 depending on their fund and type of cover.

How does a remote hearing test work?

Upon scheduling a remote hearing test we will register and express mail the test kit to your nominated address. When you receive the test kit simply follow our demonstration video to unpack the kit and prepare for your remote appointment. 


Your Audiologist will call you and remote into the provided tablet connected to the test equipment. He/She will then guide you through the ear examination and hearing test.

You will then have your results explained with follow up recommendations made as necessary. 

Which hearing aid brands do you stock?

At Harmony Hearing we offer hearing aid products from globally renowned brands including:

  • Oticon
  • Phonak
  • Resound
  • Widex
  • Signia
  • Unitron
  • Starkey
  • Bernafon
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